Etelä-Suomen Ambulanssi­palvelu Oy

When to order ESAP transport?

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For non-urgent patient transport in the Uusimaa, Kanta-Häme, Päijät-Häme or Kymenlaakso region

And, for example, to get the patient to the doctor with an escort.

From us at Southern Finland Ambulance Service, you can order transport for the patient in the following situations.

Non-urgent patient transport

  • When the patient needs to get to the hospital or primary care emergency department and the patient's general condition has deteriorated slowly and there is no life-threatening emergency OR
  • the emergency center has advised ordering a non-urgent ambulance.

Timed orders

  • When the patient's mobility, impaired memory, or need for help requires the presence or escort of a nurse, and the patient has an appointment for example
    • at the outpatient clinic
    • with a doctor
    • to a dentist
    • to the laboratory
    • to the X-ray
    • for examinations.

In urgent and emergency situations, always call 112!

If you are unsure whether our transport suits your patient, please contact us openly!

Our company has a direct billing agreement with Kela, so we invoice tasks that are Kela's responsibility directly from Kela. As a result, the patient is only responsible for the co-pay as defined by Kela. We also provide transports that are not covered by Kela compensation. Please ask for a separate price estimate for these.

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010 573 0080